New Markets, New Possibilities: Launches on the Binance Smart Chain and Ropsten Test-net!

3 min readApr 13, 2021

Already functional on the Ethereum mainnet, ProSwap has just launched on the Binance Smart Chain and Ropsten Test-net. This is a major step forward for the decentralized finance platform dedicated to providing traders with access to straight-forward and cost-effective risk management instruments. ProSwap users will now not only be able to hedge Ethers and Ethereum blockchain coins, but also a wide array of Binance Smart Chain tokens. Additionally, anyone will be able to dip their toes in the water, so to speak, and test out ProSwap’s hedging functionalities in a live setting without risking anything by using Ropsten ETH, a testing currency.

Give ProSwap a try on the:

Ethereum Market

Binance SC Market

Ropsten Test Market

About the New Markets

Binance Smart Chain
Running in parallel to the Binance Chain, Binance Smart Chain (BSC) introduces smart contract functionality into the Binance ecosystem, facilitating fast, decentralized trading, as well as providing a full-blown environment for developing high-performance decentralized applications.

Binance Smart Chain offers lower fees and a very low degree of decentralization compared to the Ethereum ecosystem, achieving block times of around 3 seconds with a Proof-of-Stake consensus algorithm. BSC is not trying to be the most innovative platform, but rather a low-cost alternative to Ethereum. Considering that transaction costs on the Ethereum network can spiral to 1,000 times what they are on the BSC — exorbitant Ethereum gas prices during periods of high congestion is one of the main reasons behind accelerating BSC’s adoption.


The Ropsten test-net allows developments to be tested in a live setting without taking any risks. Being an exact replica of the real, main-net network, Ropsten test-net allows traders to try out various functionalities without the need for real ETH tokens, without losing money on gas fees, or facing any other monetary risks.

ProSwap continuously redefines the future of DeFi infrastructure, providing users with access to straight-forward and cost-effective risk management instruments. The platform enables traders to seamlessly create positions that replicate payoff structures similar to call and put options. Users can take both the short and long position but in a completely decentralised way. Not only does ProSwap enable risk-averse users to protect their downsides should they believe a drop in price is on the horizon, but also allows risk-seeking users to earn upfront premia for providing liquidity to those looking for protection against a drop in price.

ProSwap is the first to enable the seamless creation of decentralised structured financial instruments without the use of intermediary or voucher tokens. Most current DeFi derivatives providers typically involve unnecessary layers of rigidity and complexity, confusing for even seasoned veterans in finance, mathematics and computer science. ProSwap simplifies the process to the point where the average user can acquire the same level of protection as that enjoyed by a professional portfolio manager. It’s as easy to use as going on, configuring the parameters of the position, and releasing it on to the market in the form of a smart contract.

ProSwap is built on top of the smart contract standard, which is supported by an independent, non-profit, open-source entity. This simple piece of infrastructure enables market participants to meet their strategic financial needs currently unmet by other providers. For a more technical description, visit

Risk is Fun… in Moderation.

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ProSwap is the official client for DeFi structured finance products.